Welcome to the webpage of the Lyon Winter School of Quantum Technologies 2024. This school aims at introducing the main physical systems and concepts used in quantum technologies to students and post-docs.
It will take place at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (46 allée d'Italie) from January 15 to January 19, 2024.
- Alexia Auffèves (MajuLab, Singapore): Quantum energetics and thermodynamics
- Audrey Bienfait (ENS de Lyon): Spins for quantum sensing and quantum information processing
- Quentin Ficheux (Institut Néel, Grenoble): Introduction to superconducting quantum circuits
- Benjamin Huard (ENS de Lyon): Introduction/reminder of key tools for following the lectures
- Thierry Lahaye (Institut d'Optique Palaiseau, Pasqal): Quantum simulations with neutral atoms
- Raphaël Lescanne (Alice&Bob): Quantum error correction with cat codes
- Jean-Michel Raimond (Sorbonne Université, Paris): Cavity quantum electrodynamics and applications of Rydberg atoms
- Mattia Walschaers (Sorbonne Université, Paris): Computing and metrology with quantum optics
The schedule can be found in the Planning section.
Registration is free but mandatory. The registration will close on December 15, 2023.
The school is funded by the program France 2030 n° ANR-22-CMAS-0001 QuanTEdu-France.
Organizer: Benjamin Huard (ENS de Lyon)
For those who are following the school as part of their M2 at ENSL, the evaluation will be in the form of a report on a paper chosen among a selection of articles.